Eight years ago Zuckerberg called Facebook users 'dumb fucks', on Facebook itself. Our reactions have proven him right. (facebook.com)

by VoatIsForTimmy to technology (+22|-0)

FACEBOOK Is Keeping Track Of Every Post You Write and Dont Publish - You knew in 2013 and did not delete your account. - What a bunch of sheep (newsfeed.time.com)

submitted  ago by XAPHAN to news (+97|-1)

Facebook retracted Zuckerbergs messages from recipients inboxes (techcrunch.com)

submitted  ago by Ex-Redditor to technology (+28|-0)

"We can't all be smart like you" aka "Facebook Friends"

"We can't all be smart like you" aka "Facebook Friends" (imgoat.com)

submitted  ago by GoatyMcGoatface to whatever (+240|-1)

NO-SHIT-SHERLOCK: Facebook Admits it Reads Chats, Scans Pictures and Links Sent in Messenger App

NO-SHIT-SHERLOCK: Facebook Admits it Reads Chats, Scans Pictures and Links Sent in Messenger App (thegatewaypundit.com)

submitted  ago by Scrooblemeyer to news (+27|-0)